Specks of gold dust fall across a deep darkness to which I am bound. They resuscitate this lifeless body. They swirl, I dance. As my feet and legs move to an internal sonata, my hands let slip the weight of a thousand needless pounds. I am lost, but no longer in the recesses of a terrified mind. No, tonight, I am lost in a breathtaking performance that seeps into the crevices of my spirit and draws it forth with fortitude. A stage among the stars, this dance begins slowly and continues through the eternal night.
-June 2015 entry
The series is moving forward, though ever slowly. At this time, I cannot say for certain how many paintings and drawings will comprise this new body of work, which has yet to be titled. I will say it is my hope that each piece becomes its own dance, and that, collectively, the pieces emerge as a meaningful whole: a performance of life, deliverance, and His omnipotent night sky under which we undress our most intimate thoughts.
(close-up; works untitled as of current)
2015; soft pastel, gouache, charcoal, and acrylic on paper
19" x 25"
Onna these mesmerizing night sky works of yours make me want to become a comet so I can forever fly through space with such heavenly views...